Sustainability at Tertianum

Our understanding of sustainability
Quality of life in old age
Our mission is to provide enjoyment in life, centred around self-determination and individual care. This aspiration for our guests is the goal and incentive that drives all Tertianum employees. Sustainable development is crucial to the success of our company, and we can only achieve it if we deliver high-quality services on a daily basis.
- Activities
- Quality assurance
- Innovations
- Corporate Governance
Activities for the body and soul
Guests can enjoy a varied program of activities in our residences; from Sunday brunch, fashion shows, concerts, animal visits to our premises to games afternoons and so much more. These occasions are an opportunity for residents to come together and make friends, thereby promoting the sense of togetherness. Tertianum provides the setting for the next chapter in the life story of our guests.
Quality assurance based on internal and external audits
Each of our sites undergoes an internal audit at least every one and a half years. The audit covers areas such as care and support, guest management, housekeeping and occupational health and safety. Needless to say, external bodies such as authorities and insurance companies also carry out inspections. Additional inspections are carried out at our facilities to ensure that the high standards of cleanliness and compliance are maintained. Eurofins performs these inspections twice a year at the request of Tertianum.
Innovation to enhance our guests’ quality of life
The relocation of our head office to Dübendorf in the canton of Zurich has enabled us to set up our own, dedicated innovation lab covering 400 square meters. The purpose of the LifeLab is to provide a place for the development of applied innovations to improve the quality of life of guests and where employees can enjoy creative freedom. For example, the start-up Movement Sciences moved its official headquarters to the LifeLab in October 2021 and is now developing its vibration plate along with the associated application on site there. Together with the MOVE! project, this promotes the mobility of Tertianum guests.
Corporate governance: Strong, shared values
Tertianum attaches great importance to transparency in corporate governance and strong shared values. The board of directors of the public limited company is made up of three members. The Group is managed by the executive board, which comprises the CEO, the CFO, the CHRO, the CMO and the two COOs (representing German-speaking Switzerland and French-speaking Switzerland/Ticino region).
Social responsibility
For us, social responsibility primarily involves the development of our employees, their satisfaction and enjoyment of work, job security and the protection of their health. Tertianum also prioritises its responsibility to train young people and is therefore expanding its apprenticeship program.
- Training and further education
- Employee satisfaction
- Employee protection
Training and further education programs in all specialist and management areas
Our employees are one of our most important stakeholders. In line with UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 "Quality education", we offer employees easy access to vocational training and further education.The Tertianum Group's human resources development team is responsible for employee development and training and further education programs in all the specialist and management areas.Tertianum offers apprenticeships in the care, administration, catering, hotel and technical services professions. In 2021, 172 apprentices completed their apprenticeship (around 10 percent more than in 2020), while 197 apprentices started an apprenticeship in 2021. At the end of 2021, 478 apprentices were in training at Tertianum. We are aiming for an apprentice ratio of 8 percent in relation to the number of employees and a retention rate of over 45 percent by 2024. This also includes support and quality management in our establishments that promote young talent and prepare them for new responsibilities.Since 2017, the Tertianum Group has been operating its own training centre (WBC), offering a wide range of training opportunities. The WBC is run in conjunction with the Careum education centre for healthcare professions. The further education program is being expanded with a particular focus on promoting talented employees.
New tool for conducting regular surveys
We believe it is very important to survey our employees regularly. A high level of employee satisfaction has direct consequences for the satisfaction of our guests. Up until now, a survey has been conducted every three years to gauge employee satisfaction, the most recent in 2020. A new surveying tool was evaluated in 2022 that would enable more frequent surveys to take place.
Protection of our employees is a key concern
The overall responsibility for health and safety lies with the management. We place strong emphasis on protecting our employees from accidents, illness and psychosocial risks. Personal safety, maternity protection and overall well-being are promoted. Safe and healthy behaviour calls for the appropriate levels of knowledge; which is why we provide regular and focused training for all employees.
Environmental responsibility
Within the Tertianum Group, we constantly strive to reduce waste and emissions as well as our consumption of resources, water and energy. Food waste and energy consumption are a key component in this regard.
- Food waste
- Water consumption
- Climate and energy
Measures to prevent food waste
Tertianum offers a wide range of catering options in top-quality restaurants that are also open to the public. A menu calculation program was introduced in 2021 to combat food waste. This program helps chefs plan menus and calculate the amount of food required. The use of this new software also means that recipes can be created centrally, thereby ensuring that the expertise and high quality standards are shared across all of our sites.
A number of different measures are also in place to reduce food waste, for example portion sizes are adapted to suit the needs of individual guests.
Reducing water consumption continuously
Tertianum strives to reduce water consumption in the laundry and cleaning services in our properties, as well as water volumes used for the personal hygiene of guests. Water-saving nozzles, jet regulators and flow restrictors on taps help to achieve this goal.
Measures to combat climate change
In our capacity as building tenants, we take action (LED lighting, water jet breakers, etc.) to make a positive contribution to the environment. When we purchase energy, we commit to using only renewable energy sources (solar, hydropower, wind and biomass). In relation to our environmental footprint, it must be noted that our guests are aged 65 years and older and therefore require higher room temperatures (24 degrees) than younger people. While this may increase the environmental impact, it also guarantees a good quality of life and therefore the satisfaction of our guests.