Tastes differ - as we know. That is why we offer guests a variety of restaurants and bistros with different dishes to suit all tastes.
Our commitment to culinary excellence can be summarised in three words: personal, fresh and balanced. Our kitchen staff use their extensive expertise and abundant flair to conjure up a varied selection of dishes every day that are tailored to the needs of our guests. Our menu not only includes Swiss and Mediterranean classics, but also a diverse range of vegetarian options. Needless to say, we also cater for individual dietary requirements. Bon appétit!
Our kitchen staff will adapt to your food preferences, intolerances and specific diet plans to enhance your enjoyment of life.
We use fresh products to prepare our meals every day. We also make sure to use seasonal and local ingredients.
Our guests can enjoy these moments of pleasure together, making every meal a highlight of their day.
The food we prepare is adapted to your needs – whether you are looking for the ‘fine dining’ experience and local market cuisine, or dishes suitable for diabetics and vegetarians, or menus that take into account any food intolerances or allergies you may have.
Tastes differ - as we know. That is why we offer guests a variety of restaurants and bistros with different dishes to suit all tastes.